Thursday, October 17, 2019

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month - FYI

The STATE OF CALIFORNIA Bravery Award for Being Female and Reporting Criminal Conduct To The Appropriate Authorities:

1)  FOR REPORTING Domestic Violence

      YOU GET: Kidnapping and Torture

2)  FOR REPORTING Police Misconduct

      YOU GET:  Professionally Sideswiped in Your Car and Years of Harassment

3)  FOR REPORTING Sexual Assault

     YOU GET: Tasered in a parking lot by friends of the assailant who work in law       enforcement.


Chronic and Severe PTSD.

Fear of Law Enforcement Officers and the inability to drive safely in an entire city.

The loss of all practical use your dominant arm and chronic pain, as well as a stalker on the loose to disturb your mental peace every waking moment of every day.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month - FYI

The STATE OF CALIFORNIA   Bravery Award for Being Female and Reporting Criminal Conduct To The Appropriate Authorities : 1...