Thursday, March 1, 2018

The importance of hearing survivors’ stories and listening with compassion


If a survivor broaches the subject of abuse they are either actively seeking help or processing what has happened to them and trying to heal. Please do not change the subject to avoid the topic.  Abusers always deny that abuse has occurred.  When others act similarly by pretending that what the what victim suffered was insignificant or should not be spoken of it can deepen hurt feelings and add to the chronicity of stress related illnesses that plague many victims lives. Most importantly, if someone discloses abuse that is occurring they need your help, not a cold shoulder.  

Never try to prevent a survivor from speaking out or try to persuade them to remain silent for the sake of others. This notion is abusive in and of itself by sending the message that the victim, their feelings, their life is somehow not worth as much as the lives of others. This hush-hush attitude only adds to the societal forces that perpetuate domestic violence by stigmatizing the victim.

I highly recommend the following resource page for victims and anyone who wishes to become trauma informed:

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month - FYI

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